
Minoru Higa
Graphic Designer

Find the difference. Make it transcendental.
-Project it.

Find the difference.
Make it transcendental.
-Project it.


There will always be the fear of entering new realities. Is that right? If everyone does the same, why not me? Trust is not only a matter of self-sufficiency, but of knowing and understanding that to succeed, you have to risk. Focusing on a reward that can be a milestone.


Everything exists, absolutely everything, the advancement of the human every day continues in great strides, however, in the midst of automation, the most valuable thing is found in the new findings that are not visible to all. Findings that allow us to see clearly, the direction we must draw.


From thought to action. Every well thought-out act can become a remarkable success. Putting into practice what we have learned, allows us to make tangible the words, the scenarios, the assumptions, the imaginary, in order to realize the differential essence we seek.


From the confidence, the discovery of the different and the action that makes tangible, we can finally think of a long-term projection, giving solid answers to the unknowns that the world gives us, all in order to become leaders of our own history.



Studio Madre



Studio Madre

The greatness of
the timelessness.

The audacity that leaves
a mark and is memorable

The audacity that leaves its mark and is memorable.

There is nothing more valuable than a brand focused on making history and that history allows it to last. For more than 4 years I continue to explore and challenge the paradigms of the new needs and demands of the world, business and people. There are 6 criteria with which I develop the processes of research, strategy and approach hand in hand with clients:

1. Sensitivity. The fineness of good aesthetic judgment.
2. Curiosity. The desire to discover and learn.
3. Functionality. The timelessness of a strategic projection.
4. Synergy. Collaboration between two or more minds.
5. Coherence. The logical foundation of everything.

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Minoru Higa
Graphic Designer
+ Brand Consultant


Find the difference.
Make it transcendental.
Project it.

Let’s break up


Let’s start a
new project